The Knowledge of Standard Precautions among Nurses in Public and Private Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore
Knowledge, Standard precaution, Infection control, Hospital acquired infection, Infection preventionAbstract
Abstract: Background: Nurses and other healthcare workers are at risk of occupational hazards in the healthcare setting. Nurses are prone to expose with blood born infection like HIV, HCV and Hb B. Proper implication of standard precaution effectively control the hospital acquired infection.
Aims: To assess the Knowledge of standard precaution among nurses working at private and public hospital.
Method: A cross sectional study was conducted among nurses in a tertiary care hospital at private and public sector. The duration of study was from February 2018 to May 2018. A self-structured questioner was used to obtain information from nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21 and the level of significance was at pvalue < 0.05.
Results: Total respondent nurses were 201.Response rate rate was 98%. The results shows 42.3% of the participants in this study had poor knowledge, 40.3% have average knowledge, and 17.4% have good knowledge about the standard precaution. Total female participants were 169 (mean knowledge score was 14.14) and male participant 32 (mean knowledge score was 16.13). The results show significant difference between female verses male participant were (p = 0.03). Total private hospital participants are 99 mean knowledge score was 13.45 + 3.863 and public hospital nurses included 102 mean knowledge score is 14.66 + 3.167 that is greater than private hospital. There is significant difference between public versus private hospital (p = 0.17).
Conclusion: As the result indicate poor knowledge of standard precaution among nurses at private and public hospital. it is suggested to provide training sessions on infection control with hands on workshops. This is also suggested infection control topics should add in Nursing curriculum and PNC should take initiate post basic one year Diploma in Infection Control.
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