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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Obligatory Document 1: IRB / Ethical Approval
  • Obligatory Document 2: IRB / Ethical Approval Waiver or Exemption Letter (if author/s consider ethical approval is not required then the Journal would require evidence of this too — once again, a letter of confirmation from an appropriate ethics approval committee.
  • Guideline for reporting systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments (OMIs): PRISMA-COSMINfor OMIs2024
  • CARE Checklist of information to include when writing a case report

Author Guidelines

Undertaking by the Author(s):

A manuscript will be submitted by only one of the authors of a manuscript, it will not be submitted by any third person that is not related to the manuscript work and writing. The corresponding author is required to submit a undertaking letter (available here) on behalf of the co-authors (if any), besides manuscript. Author(s) must authenticate that the manuscript that they are submitting (or any part of it) is not available either online or in print form (published) and is not under consideration elsewhere for publication.

 Plagiarism Prevention:

NJHS uses modern software that detects similar content and its overlapping in a manuscript. It auto checks periodicals content with in the database, from Internet as well. Similarity report is generated, that highlights the percentage of the uploaded article and the material that is already published. It further analyzed the suspected content according to the journal’s policies for publication.

Manuscript Submission:

Online system is available for manuscript submission and In case of any problem; manuscripts can also be directly submitted via email at Manuscripts should be written in English. Moreover, illustrations, tables or structures that are available (online/print) somewhere else should be informed, and permission of copyright and reproduction of the content must be taken by the concern author/publisher of the content which you wish to publish in your manuscript. For the submissions that are done online, author must provide the soft copies of the manuscript along with supplementary material (in MS Word format and figures in JPEG).

Manuscript Length:

The manuscript of the article should be typed in double space on standard latter size with 3 cm margin all around. Original Article: consist of 2000-2500 with 25-30 references. Review Articles: must consist of 2500-3000 words with maximum 40-50 references all inclusive, Mini-Reviews: consist of 1500 words, Research Articles: consist of 2000-2500 words, Clinical Trials: Trial studies should be 1400-1600 words with 10-15 references. Special issues/Hot topic issues /editorial: 1500 words. Case Report: 1000 words, Letter to Editor: 400-500 words, Short Communication: it consists of 1000-1200 words with 15-20 references. No constraint on number of tables / figures. Paper must be written in the following sequence:

Title, Title page, Structured Abstract, Keywords (5-7), Text Organization like Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, List of Abbreviations (if any), Conflict of Interest, Funds for study, Acknowledgements, References, Appendixes, Figures/Illustrations, Tables, Supportive/Supplementary Material and IRB/IEC approval.

Reference Style:

All references should be in Vancouver Style and be numbered in a sequence for e.g. the content of the manuscript and listed in numerical order. Furthermore bibliography in the end of the manuscript should be formatted before manuscript is submitted for consideration in the journal.

 Article Withdrawal Policy:

The submission of a manuscript is not a guarantee for acceptance for publication in the NJHS, as all manuscripts will be subjected to peer review. The NJHS follows international standards for developing policies for the withdrawal and retraction of the article. We are vigorous to lobbying, establish and develop best practices by the help of different information bodies. Please follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) concerning corrections, retractions and withdrawal.

 Appeal Against Rejection:

If you think that we have rejected an article or misunderstood its content, you can submit of rebuttal letter with supplementary material to our Editorial Office within one week. We accept one appeal for an article.

Pre-Press Publication:

Featuring latest research papers brought to you ahead of the print publication i.e. papers once accepted by the editor-in-chief will be available online before scheduled publication and DOI number will be provided to the authors. The absolute change in the manuscript will be done in final proofs and that will reflect in final online version of the manuscript.


If the author is found guilty of fabrication and plagiarism the paper will be declined from acceptance in the journal.

NJHS will not be able to publish any article by the authors/co-authors for a period of 5 years. Such articles will be notified to the competent authorities.

Research Article

Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The peer-review of a manuscript is a confidential process. Reviewers should keep the whole process completely confidential. They should consult the EiC/Senior Editor and obtain permission before consulting another colleague for help in the peer-review of the submitted manuscript.

Reviewers should not disclose any information whatsoever to anyone before publication of the manuscript. Please remember to anonymize your comments.