National Journal of Health Sciences (NJHS) is an official journal of National Institute of Blood Disease & Bone Marrow Transplantation, Karachi, Pakistan. The aims to provide a platform that will construct substantial and reliable involvement of the scientific community; NJHS will publish scholarly articles as Open Access related to broad spectrum of research disciplines. NJHS offers a well-organized handling system that will provide the users speed and convenience in publications. Moreover, we will ensure publication of high quality manuscripts via efficient double blind peer review process.

The manuscripts that will be published can be accessed easily and free of cost. This will benefit not only the author(s) but readers as well. We are dedicated in the progression of science through widest probable propagation of trustworthy information, and will facilitate researchers that are one of our priorities. It will provide huge amount of free access of the content to scholars and researchers in the field of health sciences. Manuscripts that are clinically relevant will be made publicly available of each issue.

Aims & Scope

NJHS is an open access double blind peer reviewed journal that aims to cover and promote all the latest and innovative developments in the field of Health Sciences, to improve healthcare practices. It is an essential journal for doctors, bio-researchers, students and healthcare professionals who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments in the field of Health Sciences discoveries.


To propel our transformational initiative by providing dedicated services to medical profession to publish research based knowledge applicable to the best medical practices.


To provide a platform for ongoing research in the field of Health Sciences.

Guidelines for Author

NJHS Editorial Review Process:

Preliminary Check:

Once a manuscript is received at the editorial office, it undergoes a preliminary check (Desk Review) by the editorial office. After preliminary scrutiny, the article can be :

  1. Processed further for double blind peer review,
  2. Sent to authors for revision and re-submission or Rejected.
Expert Peer Review :

Each manuscript is sent to reviewers who are experts in the related field and have no association with the author/s of the manuscript under review. Editor-In-Chief of the journal may suggest potential reviewers for a manuscript either from outside the editorial board. Peer review process is usually completed within two months after preliminary scrutiny and approval. Contact the editorial office at if you do not hear about your manuscript after two months.

Revisions and Editorial Decision :

Author/s are suggested to revise their manuscripts as per the reviewer’s comments or informed about the rejection of manuscript. Names of reviewers are not disclosed to the author/s. If revisions are minor, the article is accepted after revision. However, if there is major revision, the revised article together with rebuttal letter from the author is sent back to the reviewers for rechecking. There can be only two rounds of major revisions after which the final decision is taken for the manuscript.

Proofs :
Corresponding author will receive galley proofs in PDF or other legible formats for checking. Any correction therein, should be returned to the editorial office within 48 hours of the receipt. The corrected proofs should be sent back to the author for rechecking and obtaining confirmation that everything is alright before final publication.

Undertaking by the Author(s):

A manuscript will be submitted by only one of the authors of a manuscript, it will not be submitted by any third person that is not related to the manuscript work and writing. The corresponding author is required to submit a undertaking letter (available here) on behalf of the co-authors (if any), besides manuscript. Author(s) must authenticate that the manuscript that they are submitting (or any part of it) is not available either online or in print form (published) and is not under consideration elsewhere for publication.
Plagiarism Prevention:
NJHS uses modern software that detects similar content and its overlapping in a manuscript. It auto checks periodicals content with in the database, from Internet as well. Similarity report is generated, that highlights the percentage of the uploaded article and the material that is already published. It further analyzed the suspected content according to the journal’s policies for publication.
Manuscript Submission:
Online system is available for manuscript submission and In case of any problem; manuscripts can also be directly submitted via email at Manuscripts should be written in English. Moreover, illustrations, tables or structures that are available (online/print) somewhere else should be informed, and permission of copyright and reproduction of the content must be taken by the concern author/publisher of the content which you wish to publish in your manuscript. For the submissions that are done online, author must provide the soft copies of the manuscript along with supplementary material (in MS Word format and figures in JPEG).

Any images should protect the patient’s anonymity as far as possible. Any photos or medical imaging should not show the patient's name, medical record number, or date of birth. Images should be cropped only to show the key feature. As per journal policy, NJHS does not consider images with patient faces or patient facial features. If an image of a face must be published, this should be cropped so that only the affected area is shown.

Manuscript Length:
The manuscript of the article should be typed in double space on standard latter size with 3 cm margin all around. Original Article: consist of 2000-2500 with 20-25 references. Review Articles: must consist of 2500-3000 words with maximum 40-50 references all inclusive, Mini-Reviews: consist of 1500 words, Research Articles: consist of 2000-2500 words, Clinical Trials: Trial studies should be 1400-1600 words with 10-15 references. Special issues/Hot topic issues /editorial: 1500 words. Case Report: 1000 words, Letter to Editor: 400-500 words, Short Communication: it consists of 1000-1200 words with 15-20 references. No constraint on number of tables / figures. Paper must be written in the following sequence:

Title, Title page, Structured Abstract, Keywords (5-7), Text Organization like Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, List of Abbreviations (if any), Conflict of Interest, Funds for study, Acknowledgements, References, Appendixes, Figures/Illustrations, Tables, Supportive/Supplementary Material and IRB/IEC approval.

Reference Style:
All references should be in Vancouver Style and be numbered in a sequence for e.g. the content of the manuscript and listed in numerical order. Furthermore bibliography in the end of the manuscript should be formatted before manuscript is submitted for consideration in the journal.

Article Withdrawal Policy:
The submission of a manuscript is not a guarantee for acceptance for publication in the NJHS, as all manuscripts will be subjected to peer review. The NJHS follows international standards for developing policies for the withdrawal and retraction of the article. We are vigorous to lobbying, establish and develop best practices by the help of different information bodies. Please follow the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) concerning corrections, retractions and withdrawal.

Appeal Against Rejection:
If you think that we have rejected an article or misunderstood its content, you can submit of rebuttal letter with supplementary material to our Editorial Office within one week. We accept one appeal for an article.

Pre-Press Publication:
Featuring latest research papers brought to you ahead of the print publication i.e. papers once accepted by the editor-in-chief will be available online before scheduled publication and DOI number will be provided to the authors. The absolute change in the manuscript will be done in final proofs and that will reflect in final online version of the manuscript.

Plagiarism & Fabrication Policy
Plagiarism as per NJHS for authors: Plagiarism can be said to have clearly occurred when large chunks of text have been cut-and-pasted.

  1. Verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing portions of another author’s paper or unpublished report without citing the exact reference.
  2. Copying elements of another author’s paper, such as equations or illustrations that are not common knowledge or copying or purposely paraphrasing sentences without citing the source.
  3. Verbatim copying portions of another author’s paper or from reports by citing but not clearly differentiating what text has been copied (e.g. not applying quotation marks correctly) and /or not citing the source correctly.
  4. Self-plagiarism, that is, the verbatim or near-verbatim re-use of significant portions of one’s own copyrighted work without citing the original source.

Such type of manuscripts will not be considered for publication in NJHS journal. Minor plagiarism content without dishonest objective is moderately frequent, for e.g., if an author reuse part of an introduction from an earlier paper. The editors of the journal judge any case of which they become aware (either by reading about the literature or their own knowledge of the literature, or if it is alerted by the referees).

Therefore it is the main responsibility of institutions, organizations, researchers, authors including co-authors to make sure that the papers that are submitted for publication should attain the highest ethical standards with reverence to plagiarism when submitting a paper in a journal.

Precise process is usually followed to manage a case of fabrication and plagiarism. NJHS follows the guidelines of The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). In such cases of alleged plagiarism in an article that is to be published in the journal following rules are followed:

  • The article is compared and the degree of copying is checked.
  • All the editors of NJHS are asked for the comments.
  • Corresponding author contacted and questioned with the documentary evidence and a response request is generated.

Note :

If the author is found guilty of fabrication and plagiarism the paper will be declined from acceptance in the journal.

NJHS will not be able to publish any article by the authors/co-authors for a period of 5 years. Such articles will be notified to the competent authorities. 

Publishing Fee:

NJHS does not charge any fee from submission to publication. 

Publication Ethics:

For Authors:

Standards in Reporting

Authors that report original research are required to show an accurate account of work performed as well as its significance in the form of an objective discussion. In the paper accurately representation of underlying data should be presented. Sufficient details are required to be mentioned in the paper and references to permit for replication of work must be mentioned. Falsified statements or knowingly inaccurate or unethical behavior is unacceptable.

Retention and Data Access
From the authors the editorial staff can ask to provide raw data linked with paper for editorial reviewing process, and the author must be prepared to provide such data for access, if practicable, and can retain such data after publication

Originality and Plagiarism
Authors must ensure that they have written and provided entirely novel work, and if the author has used the work or words of other authors it must be cited or quoted appropriately.

Concurrent, Multiple or Redundant Publication
In general an author must not publish manuscripts relating essentially the same research in more than primary publication or one journal. On submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal concomitantly is unacceptable and constitutes an unethical publishing behavior.

Acknowledgement and it’s Sources
Acknowledgment of the work is always required. Citations are required by authors for the publications that are significant in determining the reported work and its nature.

Authorship of the Paper
Authors that have made a significant contribution is required to provide authorship and that must be limited to the execution, conception, design or interpretation of the reported study. Significant contributions made by different authors are required to be listed as co-authors who have participated in certain aspects of research project, required to be mentioned or listed as contributors only. Corresponding author is required to ensure all appropriate co-authors are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have approved and seen the final version paper and have approved its submission for publication in the journal.

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects
If the work of the authors involve chemicals/ unusual hazards, with such equipments or procedures that is in their use, it is required to be clearly identified in the manuscript. Any research involving human subjects should be conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013. If animal have been used in your work, it should be mentioned, The relevant official/governmental guidelines on animal research.

For Peer Reviewers:

The peer reviewers are required to make every reasonable effort to follow guidelines of an article that they will agree for reviewing:

Unbiased consideration is required by reviewers for each manuscript, and must evaluate on merits and demerits, without regarding to religion, race, sex and nationality, affiliation to institution of the author or seniority.

Conflict of interest must be declared by reviewers prior when agreeing for the review that also includes any association with the author that might bias their review potentially.

Confidentiality is maintained by reviewers during and after peer-review process; any correspondence or information regarding manuscript must not be public with everybody/anybody external from the peer-review feternity.

A comprehensive, constructive, evidence based, appropriate generous is required by the reviewers.

Personal statements must be avoided by reviewer while making the report that might damage any person’s reputation.

All reasonable efforts are required by reviewers to submit recommendation and report in a timely manner, and if this is not possible it must be informed to the editor.

Attention declared to editor of the journal for any important resemblance connecting manuscript that is under concern and any of the submitted manuscripts or published paper that they are responsive of.

The reviewers are only required to examine those manuscripts in which a reviewer has subject proficiency and capability that is necessary to take out an appropriate evaluation and can easily evaluate in an appropriate manner. Can assess only those parts of manuscripts that outline evidently the area that they have got relevant knowledge.

Reviewers are required to provide the journal with professional and personal information that is accurate and represents their expertise accurately.

Immediately reviewers must refuse in reviewing if they are having issues regarding peer-reviewing and its model worn by the journal (e.g. double blind).

For Institutions:

Ensuring publication and research integrity often requires institutions and journal to cooperate with each other in all aspect of publication and research to maintain the integrity. Journal and Institutions are encouraged to put into practice among authors, researchers, editors and reviewers i.e. to establish policy training and development. Efforts must be made by Journal as well to detect misconduct before publication (e.g. plagiarism check, author details). Possible misconduct requires investigation by journal and Institutions, correct or retract findings that are invalid or unreliable (because of misconduct or honest errors) to prevent readers from being misled by them.

Institutions are required to encourage healthy research environment and for the conduct of their researchers work.

    1. The research integrity is maintained by an officer (or office) and he/she should publish the contact details prominently.
    2. Journals must be informed about such cases of proven misconduct that affect the reliability.
    3. Information about issues must be responded to journals, such as authorship dispute, mislead reporting, competing interests, honest errors, or other factors that could affect the reliability of published work.
    4. Institution is required to initiate inquiries of research misconduct or unacceptable publication practice raised by journal.
    5. Maintain policies that support responsible research conduct and for investigating suspected research misconduct systems must be placed.

Journals responsibilities:

    1. In publishing details of the editor-in-chief that will act as the point of contact for questions relating to publication and research integrity.
    2. By informing the institutions if misconduct is suspected by their researchers by providing evidence to support these concerns.
    3. To cooperate with the investigations and respond to institutions’ questions about allegations and misconduct.
    4. Journal is required to issue corrections or retractions arising from investigations.
    5. Maintain policies for responding to institutions and organizations that investigates cases of misconduct in research.

Advertising Policy

National Journal of Health Sciences will consider advertising opportunities, as a means to provide value to our readers. It is important to us that this is carried out in a responsible way, and therefore National Journal of Health Sciences follow the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in this regard.

Indexing & Database

• lndex Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region - WHO (Egypt)
Scilit - Scientific Literature (Basel, Switzerland)
PakMediNet - Medical Information Gateway of Pakistan
• Directory of Scientific and Technological Periodicals of Pakistan (PASTIC) (Database)
Chemical Abstracts Service (division of The American Chemical Society, USA) (Database)
• Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan


National Journal of Health Sciences is a subscription based journal that offers :

  • No subscription fees, no annual charges.
  • 03 Printed hardcopies sent to corresponding authors at no cost.
  • Free PDF version.
  • Downloadable archives.
  • Free access to full text articles (Open Access Policy).
  • Free latest updates of NJHS on subscribing.


Authors will be fully responsible regarding content of the article/s. The Editorial Board Member/s of the journal are not responsible for the opinions, statements and data presented by the authors in any form of published or submitted material for publication. Moreover, NJHSciences, Editor/s, and Editorial Staff Member/s are not liable for any damage caused to a person or assets that may directly or indirectly effect, resulting from published content in the journal.

Bibliographic Information

ISSN : 2519-7053 (Print)

ISSN: 2519-7878 (Online)

Abbreviated key title: Natl j health sci


DOI Prefix:   10.21089