Forgery in Research

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Sadaf Shahab
Tahir Sultan Shamsi


According to one definition “intention or gross negligence leading to fabrication of the scientific message or a false credit
or emphasis given to scientist’’ is known as forgery or misconduct in science [1]. There are three types of misconduct in science, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. Fabrication is making up and recording of results. Minor form of fabrication is citation in references where references is either not included or not reinforcing the argument or sometime totally against the argument. Falsification is changing or misinterpreting material, equipment or protocol. Plagiarism is utilization of some ones ideas, process, result or words without giving him proper credit [2].

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How to Cite
Shahab S, Shamsi TS. Forgery in Research. Nat J Health Sci [Internet]. 2020Dec.22 [cited 2024Dec.7];4(1):1-2. Available from:

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